Source code for anuket.lib.validators

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" FormEncode validators."""
from formencode import Invalid
from formencode import validators

from anuket.lib.i18n import MessageFactory as _
from anuket.models.auth import AuthUser

[docs]class FirstNameString(validators.String): """ Expand the validators.String class tu return a capitalised value with excessives inner whitespaces removed. """ def _to_python(self, value, state): value = " ".join(value.split()) return value.capitalize()
[docs]class LastNameString(validators.String): """ Expand the validators.String class tu return a value with excessives inner whitespaces removed. """ # No capitalization here because is better to let the user to take care # of language exceptions like 'de Conty', 'de La Fontaine', 'Van de Walle' def _to_python(self, value, state): return " ".join(value.split())
[docs]class UsernamePlainText(validators.PlainText): """ Expand the validators.PlainText class tu return a lowercased value with all whitespaces removed. """ def _to_python(self, value, state): return value.lower().replace(" ", "")
[docs]class UniqueAuthUsername(validators.FancyValidator): """ Unique username validator.""" messages = { 'not_unique_username': _(u"This username is already used") }
[docs] def validate_python(self, values, state): """ Check for the uniqueness of `username`.""" if 'username' in values: username = values['username'] user = AuthUser.get_by_username(username) else: user = None # no check for empty value # user_id is used to not raise an error when editing the user # the user_id must be available as hidden field in the edit form if 'user_id' in values: user_id = values['user_id'] else: user_id = None if user and (user.user_id != user_id): errors = {'username': self.message('not_unique_username', state)} raise Invalid(self.message('not_unique_username', state), values, state, error_dict=errors)
[docs]class UniqueAuthEmail(validators.FancyValidator): """ Unique email validator.""" messages = { 'not_unique_email': _(u"This email is already used") }
[docs] def validate_python(self, values, state): """ Check for the uniqueness of `email`.""" if 'email' in values: email = values['email'] user = AuthUser.get_by_email(email) else: user = None # no check for None emails or empty value # user_id is used to not raise an error when editing the user # the user_id must be available as hidden field in the edit form if 'user_id' in values: user_id = values['user_id'] else: user_id = None if user and (user.user_id != user_id): errors = {'email': self.message('not_unique_email', state)} raise Invalid(self.message('not_unique_email', state), values, state, error_dict=errors)
[docs]class SecurePassword(validators.String): """ Secure password validator.""" messages = { 'not_secure': _(u"This password is not secure") }
[docs] def validate_python(self, value, state): """ Use cracklib to check the strenght of passwords.""" from cracklib import VeryFascistCheck try: VeryFascistCheck(value) except ValueError: raise Invalid(self.message('not_secure', state), value, state) return value

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