Tutorial ******** This tutorial will explain the course to create a simple *Hello world* application with Anuket. Introduction ============ Anuket is a python application based on the Pyramid_ web framework. Anuket is intended to provide features not bundled by Pyramid. The main features provided by Anuket are: * `Twitter Bootstrap`_ template * Form management * Flash messages * Database based users & groups * Database migrations * Admin tools backend The main objective of Anuket, is to be used for relational database driven applications. For example, application with web forms, or wikis. During this tutorial, we will create a very simple *Hello world* application. You can browse the code of this example application in our Git repository: https://github.com/lazaret/anuket-example Install Anuket and the prerequistes =================================== Anuket require the Python language (2.7 version), and a SQL database engine. In this tutorial we will use SQLite. For this tutorial we will asume than they are already installed on your computer. If it's not the case, please install them first. Prepare the isolated environment -------------------------------- To avoid messing with your working Python environment during this tutorial, we will create first an an isolated environment: .. code-block:: text $ easy_install virtualenv $ virtualenv --no-site-packages tutorial $ source tutorial/bin/activate This have: * installed the virtualenv_ and pip_ packages * activated the `tutorial` isolated environment When you will have finished the tutorial, you can get rid of everything we done by just deleting the */tutorial* directory. Install Anuket -------------- You can simply install Anuket from PyPI by using `pip`, a Python packages installer witch have been installed with `virtualenv` : .. code-block:: text (tutorial)$ pip install anuket This will install Anuket and all the required Python packages (`Pyramid`, `SQLAlchemy`, `Mako`, `alembic`, etc.). You can display the list of all the installed packages with `pip`: .. code-block:: text (tutorial)$ pip freeze .. note:: As today, Anuket require the `cracklib` module with serve to test the security of the user password. If you have probelm during the install it's probably because you need to install the cracklib developement libraries. (probably crackib-devel or libcrack2-dev depending on your OS) Create the example application ============================== Now we have a working environment with Anuket, Pyramid ans all the other prerequistes installed. It's time now to create ou example application. Create the application ---------------------- We need first to create a Pyramid application with the `starter` scafold: .. code-block:: text (tutorial)$ pcreate -t starter anuket-example This create a minimalistic Pyramid application with all the default files. We will edit this file to create our example application. In a future release we will add ou own `anuket` scafold to start with. Configure the application ------------------------- We need now to edit three files to tell the application to use Anuket as a base: * setup.py * development.ini * anuketexample/__init__.py If your are lazy you can download them directly from http://github.com/lazaret/anuket-example First we need to tell to the ``setup.py`` file than ``anuket`` is a prerequiste for our application: .. literalinclude:: tutorial_setup.py :language: python :lines: 9-13 :linenos: Secondly we have to edit the ``development.ini`` file to add the options required by Anyket: .. literalinclude:: tutorial_development.ini :language: ini :lines: 1-35 :linenos: Most notabily we have setup this options: * The SQLAlchemy database type and name * The Mako template engine options * The Beaker session options * Anuket options Finaly we need to tell imperatively to our application than we will use Anuket. For this will have to edit the ``__init__.py`` file inside the ``anuketexample`` directory. .. literalinclude:: tutorial__init__.py :language: python :linenos: In this file we have configured the database, the authentification, the session, the routes, the view and even the translation system. And as you can see, most of them comme from Anuket. Initialize the application -------------------------- We need now to initialize the database for our application. For this we will use the `initialize_anuket_db` script. .. code-block:: text (tutorial)$ initialize_anuket_db development.ini The script read the `sqlalchemy.url` option and our database model, then create the database, and finaly fill it with default values. As we use SQLite the script have normaly created a anuket-example.db file witch is our database. Serve the application --------------------- At this point we have now a working application than we can serve: .. code-block:: text (tutorial)$ pserve develpment.ini You can access to the application with a web browser at For now, the application only offer the base application from Anuket. You can already login to the aplication with the default admin credentials: *admin/admin*. Add the `hello_world` views --------------------------- Our starter application is ready. We now need to add features by extending the application. We will add a wonderfull *Hello World* feature. For this you have to edit the ``views.py`` file inside the ``anuketexample`` directory. .. literalinclude:: tutorial_views.py :language: python :linenos: This will create: * The `include` function, witch register the routes of the views when you lauch the application with the `config.scan()` call. * The `Hello World` view available at * The `Hello admin` view available at Add the `hello.mako` template ----------------------------- Our two views need a template to be rendered: .. literalinclude:: tutorial_template.mako :language: python :linenos: We use here a Mako template witch inherit from the default templates of Anuket. The template itsef just display the `hello` variable witch is returned by the views. Connect to the views -------------------- Now the application can serve the Anuket views and our two new views: .. code-block:: text (tutorial)$ pserve develpment.ini You can for example connect with your browser to: =============================== ============= ============== Adress View name Application =============================== ============= ============== `home` anuket `hello` anuket-example `login` anuket `hello_admin` anuket-example =============================== ============= ============== Note than the `hello_admin` require an user with admin permission. If you try to access to it without login first the application will redirect you to the `login` view. Further reading =============== * `Creating your first Pyramid application`_ * `Extending an existing Pyramid application`_ .. _Pyramid: http://pylonsproject.org/ .. _pip: http://www.pip-installer.org/ .. _Twitter Bootstrap: http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/ .. _virtualenv: http://www.virtualenv.org/ .. _Extending an existing Pyramid application: http://pyramid.readthedocs.org/en/1.3-branch/narr/extending.html .. _Creating your first Pyramid application: http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/en/latest/narr/firstapp.html