Source code for anuket.views.user

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Admin tools for user management."""
import logging
from formencode.schema import Schema
from formencode.validators import Email, FieldsMatch, Int, String
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPFound
from pyramid.view import view_config
from pyramid_simpleform import Form
from pyramid_simpleform.renderers import FormRenderer
from webhelpers import paginate

from anuket.lib.validators import (FirstNameString, LastNameString,
    SecurePassword, NotOldPassword, UniqueAuthUsername, UniqueAuthEmail,
from anuket.models import DBSession
from anuket.models.auth import AuthUser, AuthGroup

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def includeme(config):
    """ Configure the user management pages routes.

    Configure the list, add, show, edit, delete and change password pages

    :param config: a ``pyramid.config.Configurator`` object
    config.add_route('tools.user_list', '/tools/user')
    config.add_route('tools.user_add', '/tools/user/add')
    config.add_route('tools.user_show', '/tools/user/{user_id}/show')
    config.add_route('tools.user_edit', '/tools/user/{user_id}/edit')
    config.add_route('tools.user_delete', '/tools/user/{user_id}/delete')
#    config.add_route('tools.user_search', '/tools/user/search')
    config.add_route('tools.password_edit', '/tools/user/{user_id}/password')

def get_grouplist():
    """ Generate a list of groups from the database.

    :return: a list of pair values (`group_id`, `groupname`)
    :rtype: list
    # For use in group select forms.
    groups = DBSession.query(AuthGroup).order_by(AuthGroup.groupname).all()
    grouplist = [(group.group_id, group.groupname) for group in groups]
    return grouplist

def get_user_stats():
    """ Get basic database statistics.

    :return: users and groups counts from the database
    :rtype: dictionary
    usercount = DBSession.query(AuthUser.user_id).count()
    groupcount = DBSession.query(AuthGroup.group_id).count()
    return dict(usercount=usercount, groupcount=groupcount)

@view_config(route_name='tools.user_list', permission='admin',
[docs]def user_list_view(request): """ Render the user list page. Return a paged user list from the database. The paged list can be ordered by username, first name or last name. Add an error flash message if the list is empty. Return also basic users statistics. :param request: a ``pyramid.request`` object """ _ = request.translate stats = get_user_stats() sortable_columns = ['username', 'first_name', 'last_name'] column = request.params.get('sort') search = request.params.get('search') # construct the query users = DBSession.query(AuthUser) if column and column in sortable_columns: users = users.order_by(column) else: users = users.order_by(AuthUser.username) if search: users = users.filter('%' + search + '%')) # add a flash message for empty results if users.count() == 0: request.session.flash(_(u"There is no results!"), 'error') # paginate results page_url = paginate.PageURL_WebOb(request) users = paginate.Page(users, page=int(request.params.get("page", 1)), items_per_page=20, url=page_url) return dict(users=users, stats=stats)
@view_config(route_name='tools.user_add', permission='admin', renderer='/tools/user/user_add.mako')
[docs]def user_add_view(request): """ Render the add user form page. Display an empty user form or validate the user submited form. If the form is validated then add the user datas to the database and a success flash message. If the form is not valid, then display again the form with validation errors. Return also a list of groups to use in the group select form. :param request: a ``pyramid.request`` object """ _ = request.translate grouplist = get_grouplist() form = Form(request, schema=UserForm) if 'form_submitted' in request.params and form.validate(): user = form.bind(AuthUser()) DBSession.add(user) request.session.flash(_(u"User added."), 'success') return HTTPFound(location=request.route_path('tools.user_list')) return dict(renderer=FormRenderer(form), grouplist=grouplist)
@view_config(route_name='tools.user_show', permission='admin', renderer='/tools/user/user_show.mako')
[docs]def user_show_view(request): """ Render the show user datas page. Seek the database for the user datas based on user_id used in the route. If the user did not exist then add an error flash message and redirect to the user list. If the user exist then return his datas. :param request: a ``pyramid.request`` object """ _ = request.translate user_id = request.matchdict['user_id'] user = AuthUser.get_by_id(user_id) if not user: request.session.flash(_(u"This user did not exist!"), 'error') return HTTPFound(location=request.route_path('tools.user_list')) return dict(user=user)
@view_config(route_name='tools.user_edit', permission='admin', renderer='/tools/user/user_edit.mako')
[docs]def user_edit_view(request): """ Render the edit user form page. Seek the database for the user datas based on user_id used in the route. If the user did not exist then add an error flash message and redirect to the user list. If the user exist then render the user form filled with the user datas. If the form is validated then change the user datas to the database and add success flash message. If the form is not valid, then display again the form with validation errors. Return also a list of groups to use in the group select form. :param request: a ``pyramid.request`` object """ _ = request.translate user_id = request.matchdict['user_id'] user = AuthUser.get_by_id(user_id) if not user: request.session.flash(_(u"This user did not exist!"), 'error') return HTTPFound(location=request.route_path('tools.user_list')) grouplist = get_grouplist() form = Form(request, schema=UserEditForm, obj=user) if 'form_submitted' in request.params and form.validate(): form.bind(user) DBSession.add(user) request.session.flash(_(u"User updated."), 'success') return HTTPFound(location=request.route_path('tools.user_list')) return dict(renderer=FormRenderer(form), grouplist=grouplist)
@view_config(route_name='tools.user_delete', permission='admin')
[docs]def user_delete_view(request): """ Delete an user. Seek the database for the user datas based on user_id used in the route. If the user did not exist then add an error flash message and redirect to the user list. If the user exist then delete the user in the database, add a warning flash message and then redirect to the user list. :param request: a ``pyramid.request`` object """ # The confirm delete must be managed by modal messages in the templates, # and we forbid direct deletion from the address bar (no referer) _ = request.translate if not request.referer: request.session.flash(_(u"Insufficient permissions!"), 'error') return HTTPFound(location=request.route_path('home')) user_id = request.matchdict['user_id'] user = AuthUser.get_by_id(user_id) if not user: request.session.flash(_(u"This user did not exist!"), 'error') return HTTPFound(location=request.route_path('tools.user_list')) #forbid the deletion if it's the only admin user if == u'admins': adminscount = DBSession.query(AuthUser.user_id).join(AuthGroup).\ filter(AuthGroup.groupname == u'admins').\ count() if adminscount == 1: request.session.flash(_(u"Deletion of the only admin forbidden!"), 'error') return HTTPFound(location=request.route_path('tools.user_list')) DBSession.delete(user) request.session.flash(_(u"User deleted."), 'warn') return HTTPFound(location=request.route_path('tools.user_list'))
@view_config(route_name='tools.password_edit', permission='admin', renderer='/tools/user/password_edit.mako')
[docs]def password_edit_view(request): """ Render the change password form page. Seek the database for the user datas based on user_id used in the route. If the user did not exist then add an error flash message and redirect to the user list. If the user exist then render an empty password form. If the form is validated then change the user password in the database and add success flash message. If the form is not valid, then display again the form with validation errors. :param request: a ``pyramid.request`` object """ _ = request.translate user_id = request.matchdict['user_id'] user = AuthUser.get_by_id(user_id) if not user: request.session.flash(_(u"This user did not exist!"), 'error') return HTTPFound(location=request.route_path('tools.user_list')) form = Form(request, schema=UserPasswordForm, obj=user) if 'form_submitted' in request.params and form.validate(): form.bind(user) DBSession.add(user) request.session.flash(_(u"Password updated."), 'success') return HTTPFound(location=request.route_path('tools.user_list')) return dict(renderer=FormRenderer(form)) #@view_config(route_name='tools.user_search', permission='admin', # renderer='/tools/user/user_search.mako') #def user_search_view(request): # grouplist = get_grouplist() # form = Form(request, schema=UserForm) # return dict(renderer=FormRenderer(form), # grouplist=grouplist) # FormEncode schemas
class UserForm(Schema): """ Form validation schema for users.""" filter_extra_fields = True allow_extra_fields = True username = UsernamePlainText(min=5, max=16, strip=True) first_name = FirstNameString(not_empty=True, strip=True) last_name = LastNameString(not_empty=True, strip=True) email = Email() password = SecurePassword(min=6, max=80, strip=True) password_confirm = String(strip=True) group_id = Int(not_empty=True) chained_validators = [ FieldsMatch('password', 'password_confirm'), UniqueAuthUsername(), UniqueAuthEmail(), ] class UserEditForm(UserForm): """ Form validation schema for user edit.""" user_id = Int() # used in forms hidden field password = None password_confirm = None class UserPasswordForm(UserForm): """ Form validation schema for user password change.""" user_id = Int() # used in forms hidden field username = None first_name = None last_name = None email = None group_id = None chained_validators = [ FieldsMatch('password', 'password_confirm'), NotOldPassword() ]

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